বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ক্রম |
এআরডব্লিউইউ বিশ্ব | ARWU_W |
CWUR World | CWUR_W |
CWTS World | CWTS_W |
কিউএস বিশ্ব | QS_W |
QS Employability | QS_W_Employability |
QS Under 50 | QS_W_Under50 |
Reuters World | Reuters_W |
RUR World | RUR_W |
টিএইচএ বিশ্ব | THE_W |
THE Reputation | THE_W_Reputation |
THE Young Universities | THE_W_Young |
ইউএসএনডব্লিউআর বিশ্ব | USNWR_W |
Business Insider MBA | BI_W_MBA |
Economist MBA | Economist_W_MBA |
Financial Times MBA | FT_W_MBA |
QS Accounting | QS_W_Accounting |
QS Business | QS_W_Business |
QS Economics | QS_W_Economics |
THE Business and Economics | THE_W_Business |
QS Education and training | QS_W_Education |
THE Education | THE_W_Education |
QS Law | QS_W_Law |
THE Law | THE_W_Law |
ARWU Social science | ARWU_W_SOC |
QS Arts & Humanities | QS_W_Arts |
QS Politics | QS_W_Politics |
QS Social Sciences and Management | QS_W_Social |
THE Arts and Humanities | THE_W_Arts |
THE Social Sciences | THE_W_Social |
ARWU Clinical medicine and pharmacy | ARWU_W_MED |
ARWU Life sciences | ARWU_W_LIFE |
QS Agriculture and Forestry | QS_W_Agri |
QS Dentistry | QS_W_Dentistry |
QS Life Sciences & Medicine | QS_W_Life |
THE Clinical and Health | THE_W_Health |
THE Life Sciences | THE_W_Life |
THE Psychology | THE_W_Psychology |
ARWU Electrical & Electronic Engineering | ARWU_W_ENG |
ARWU Natural science & math | ARWU_W_SCI |
QS Chemistry | QS_W_Chemistry |
QS Engineering & Tech. | QS_W_Eng |
QS Natural Sciences | QS_W_Natural |
THE Computer Science | THE_W_CS |
THE Engineering | THE_W_Eng |
THE Physical Sciences | THE_W_Physical |
ARWU Asia | ARWU_Asia |
CWTS Asia | CWTS_Asia |
QS Arab region | QS_Arab |
কিউএস এশিয়া | QS_Asia |
QS Latin America | QS_Latam |
QS Emerging Europe and Central Asia | QS_EECA |
QS Oceania | QS_Oceania |
THE Africa | THE_Africa |
THE Arab Countries | THE_Arab |
টিএইচএ এশিয়া | THE_Asia |
THE Europe | THE_Europe |
THE Europe Teaching | THE_Europeteaching |
THE Latin America | THE_Latam |
THE Emerging Economies | THE_Emerging |
THE Oceania | THE_Oceania |
USNWR Africa | USNWR_Africa |
USNWR Asia | USNWR_Asia |
USNWR Arab countries | USNWR_Arab |
USNWR Europe | USNWR_Europe |
USNWR Latin America | USNWR_Latam |
QS Asia MBA | QS_Asia_MBA |
QS Europe MBA | QS_Europe_MBA |
QS Latin America MBA | QS_Latam_MBA |
QS Oceania MBA | QS_Oceania_MBA |
ARWU National | ARWU_N |
BCUR National | BCUR_N |
CHE National | CHE_N |
Complete National | Complete_N |
CUAA National | CUAA_N |
CWTS National | CWTS_N |
CWUR National | CWUR_N |
Economist National | Economist_N |
ERA National | ERA_N |
Folha National | Folha_N |
Forbes National | Forbes_N |
Guardian National | Guardian_N |
HEC National | HEC_N |
INEP National | INEP_N |
Interfax National | Interfax_N |
Kawaijuku National | Kawaijuku_N |
Maclean's National | MAC_N |
Maclean's Undergraduate | MAC_N_Undergrad |
Maclean's Comprehensive | MAC_N_Comp |
Netbig National | Netbig_N |
NIRF National | NIRF_N |
QS National | QS_N |
Ria Novosti National | RIA_N |
THE National | THE_N |
USNWR National | USNWR_N |
Shimano Selectivity | Shimano_N |
Sunday Times/Times National | SundayTimes_N |
TEF England | TEF_N |
Toyo Keizai National | TSU_N |
Washington Monthly National | Wamo_N |
Wu Shulian National | Wushulian_N |
Business Insider MBA | BI_N_MBA |
Bloomberg Businessweek Undergraduate | BW_N_Undergrad |
Economist MBA | Economist_N_MBA |
Financial Times MBA | FT_N_MBA |
Forbes Undergraduate | Forbes_N_MBA |
USNWR Undergraduate | USNWR_N_Undergrad |
Vault MBA | Vault_N_MBA |
USNWR Education | USNWR_N_Education |
Maclean's Civil law | MAC_N_Civillaw |
Maclean's Common law | MAC_N_Commonlaw |
USNWR Liberal arts | USNWR_N_Arts |
Maclean's Medical/Doctoral | MAC_N_Medical |
USNWR Medical | USNWR_N_Medical |
USNWR Nursing | USNWR_N_Nursing |
THE Computer Science | THE_N_CS |
THE Engineering | THE_N_Eng |
THE Physical Sciences | THE_N_Physical |
USNWR Engineering | USNWR_N_Eng |
NBP Chugoku/Shikoku | NBP_ChugokuShikoku |
NBP Greater Tokyo | NBP_GreaterTokyo |
NBP Hokuriku/Tokai | NBP_HokurikuTokai |
NBP Kansai | NBP_Kansai |